Motherin’ Blues

Summer was odd. All of my children were working. My youngest, my baby, worked away at camp coming home only at weekends. It was the first school summer vacation that I did not have to try and fill with fun stuff. On my days off no one came to me and said, ‘Mummy, what are…

A Bit of Froth and Frivolity

Think of this post as the froth on top of a cappuccino. Later on in the week I may get to some decent coffee, but for now it’s bubbles. If I don’t get the words down quickly I’ll talk myself out of another post – this has happened a lot in the last couple of…

Thankful, Ready or Not

‘Are you ready for this?’ A few people asked me the question as they arrived at the church for my son’s wedding. I didn’t know what to say. ‘No’, wasn’t an option, nor was it true. ‘Yes’, wasn’t completely right either. I had a whole load of emotions churning about as we waited for the…

Last Minute Wisdom

Too many times I've tried to pack in some last minute teaching as one of our kids heads out the door. It's often before a big event like the first day of a new school, prom, first day of college, and every time they're driving somewhere. I see the eyes roll, and the inevitable response…

Mountaintops, Waterfalls, Breakers and Thankfulness

There’s an empty bedroom upstairs, still with the evidence of a hasty pack up. This time last week we didn’t know she would get the call that a place had come up. I haven’t had time to adjust to moving my second born out to college so quickly. Two weeks ago I started my long-awaited vacation….

Time out

For the first time ever the two older ones are at home, but in and out and doing their own thing, stopping for the odd conversation, while the youngest two are both away on the same week. I get home from work and there isn’t anyone apart from the dog and the guinea pig who…

The Back to School Dance

The back to school silly dance is not happening. On my first day off, of the first week back to school, the end of a tropical storm has blown in dropping heavy rain on us, which means no roofing today for my husband. No quiet empty house. That’s not necessarily a bad thing, but things are…

Warm, Safe and Fed

The homemaker has the ultimate career. All other careers exist for one purpose only – and that is to support the ultimate career. – CS Lewis Following on from my CS Lewis theme yesterday, I found the above quote that seemed a pretty cool one for Mothers’ Day, but I wondered where it was from in…

Time to treasure

Only a handful of Wednesday afternoons are left. They are special times for my youngest and me. Next year she will be out of elementary school and those times will be gone. Sure, the afternoon off in the middle of the week is a pain when you’re looking for a job to fit round school,…