New year, new beginnings, new hope

Something strange happened on the last couple of Saturdays. As we sipped our morning tea and coffee (me tea, Tim coffee) Tim asked, ‘What shall we do today?’ Not such an unusual question, but Saturdays are not often like that for us. For the past I don’t know how long Tim has worked at the…

We Are Family!

Yesterday a piece of metal flew up underneath my son’s car and sliced through a brake line. Terrible timing just before he starts his placement at the end of his year of electrical training. We all felt a bit down. As a consequence his car is out of action and I drove him to work this…

Not just a story…

A beautiful spring Sunday, another baptism at Killarney Lake. Late afternoon finds the church standing on the sand, basking in the warmth of the sunshine, children paddling in still quite icy waters…and loving it. In the woods there are still odd patches of snow, but winter is forgotten out on the beach.     Stories of salvation…

31 Days, 31 Posts – Done!

I can’t believe I’m here. May 31 – the last day of a post a day in May. For once a challenge I will have completed at the end of this post. It’s rare, really rare. After all these posts I can’t remember whether I’ve mentioned the crazy squirrels in our garden. They must be nesting somewhere up…

Surprised by justice

There’s nothing I like more than a surprise party, but I am a terrible person to surprise – just ask my husband. Before a birthday I’ll try to work out every scenario that may have been planned, let my imagination take flight and end up disappointed with what actually does happen. It’s a flaw in my character….