In Winter’s Grip?

“Wrong will be right, when Aslan comes in sight, At the sound of his roar, sorrows will be no more, When he bares his teeth, winter meets its death, And when he shakes his mane, we shall have spring again.” The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, C S Lewis I can’t help but think…

Glimpses of Glory

When four walls seem to be closing in on me I like to get out and get away. I used to love running for this reason, now it’s cycling. In a few minutes I’m outside the city limits, catching my breath, looking for a view across the river. ‘What do you miss most about England?’…

Coffee, Mountains, God’s Faithfulness

Shhhh! I have a morning off. Don’t tell anyone. I allowed myself to sleep in until 6.45am this morning. There are no appointments. I don’t have to get anyone anywhere. There is no work – nowhere I have to be right now. There is a list, but the list can wait. I have a large…

Accidents and Great Expectations

‘I think I’ll write a book about this.’ I said this over breakfast with a friend, talking about expectations, and more specifically unmet expectations and how we handle them. You don’t have to look very far to find unmet expectations. I hear it all the time on the radio, written in news reports, and articles…

The Day After Valentine’s Day

Since I woke up on Valentine’s morning in a less than romantic mood, and my long-suffering husband and I didn’t even mention Valentine’s Day until after work, I thought it best to leave the lovey-dovey posts to others yesterday. Valentine’s Day is often not the most romantic day of the year – for us anyway….

Farewell Christmas Lights

Our street is still cheered by the warm glow of Christmas lights on the houses at night. I like them lighting up the snow. In only a handful of days they will be switched off – to be taken down later when it’s a little less like a freezer outside. Still, the Christmas festivities will…

Spring to Life

Every year I am amazed life survives under the ice and snow. This winter was long, so long, hanging onto the year with its icy grip. Last weekend we had three inches of snow fall. When I woke up on Saturday morning, I took one look outside, then dived back into bed and under the covers. I couldn’t take…

Sewing Lessons

I’m making another dress. I’m not the fastest dressmaker. If it’s a costume to be worn once or twice I can improvise and make-do something fast, but a proper item of clothing to be worn not as part of a performance or any kind of joke takes a bit more time and care. I read and…

Take the trail

About an hour from here there’s a nature park we like to go to. It’s on a thin piece of land that stretches out into the Bay of Fundy. It’s not far away and it’s free which are always reasons for a place to be popular in our family. There’s a road around the park and marked…