At the Foot of the Mountain

Confession: I gave up. I threw in the towel. I put down my pen and walked away. I got discouraged and quit. ‘Who cares anyway?’ I thought. ‘So what if I don’t write? What is my voice among the cacophony of others?’ I stopped using my voice and not just here on my blog. After…

Order Out of My Chaos

It’s January so the inevitable sorting, tidying and clearing out is going on. I completed one drawer in the kitchen, throwing out the blades for an electric knife, the main body of which was thrown several years ago. Instead of carrying on in the kitchen as would be logical, yesterday I went through my fabric…

Filling the Well

It took a trip to my hairdresser (and friend), to bring me to my senses. I should know this stuff, I’m in my mid-***ties after all, but I slip into the same thing over and over again. The same old thing. I’ve written about it multiple times. Doing everything and feeling overwhelmed and tired. Feeling…

What am I doing here?

For one day I didn’t post. For one day I broke post a day in May and then found it hard to start again. It was a Sunday. Sad things happened to people around me. Good things did too. God did a lot, spoke a lot. By the end of the day though I couldn’t…

On Writing…and Winter

Like childbirth, winter is forgotten once it’s over. For now it is inescapable and painful. Snow clearing, layers and layers and more layers of clothes, cold feet and frozen fingers. My hair froze the other day while taking the dog for a walk. Cold like that is not fun (but it is quite funny to…

Refuse To Do Nothing

It comes every year and it comes quickly. January. The beginning of the year. Another year. Full of possibilities, full of potential, full of challenges, full of the unexpected and the mundane, full of joys and sorrows. And the first month is already almost done. In our house it coincides with Tim’s seasonal unemployment, absolute…