Interruption or Opportunity?

Life changes. In a moment. Unpredictably. Here we are in the midst of a pandemic trying to figure out how to be and how to live through this uncertain time. On New Year’s Eve this wasn’t the 2020 we imagined. In this part of the world we are fortunate so far to have very few…

The Day After Valentine’s Day

Since I woke up on Valentine’s morning in a less than romantic mood, and my long-suffering husband and I didn’t even mention Valentine’s Day until after work, I thought it best to leave the lovey-dovey posts to others yesterday. Valentine’s Day is often not the most romantic day of the year – for us anyway….

Books, Culture, Social Media, Church

‘It’s one of Heather’s picks,’ one of our patrons at the library said to me as she asked about a book she wanted to read. People have so many different ways of choosing a book, some like recommendations, some work through the Man Booker Prize list or such like, some will only read one author,…

Palaces, Concert Halls or Out in the Fields

When I was a little girl, I went through a stage of wanting to be famous. I wanted to be a TV presenter. I wanted to be noticed. I don’t know where this ambition came from. It’s clearly not a dream that came true. I was asked to read a story in our Church family’s…

Farewell Christmas Lights

Our street is still cheered by the warm glow of Christmas lights on the houses at night. I like them lighting up the snow. In only a handful of days they will be switched off – to be taken down later when it’s a little less like a freezer outside. Still, the Christmas festivities will…

Not So Perfect

This is not a book review. I finished reading My (not so) Perfect Life by Sophie Kinsella a couple of days ago. Occasionally when I’m reading I like a bit of chick lit, as I often go for quite serious historical fiction. It’s a bit of light relief. Anyway, I’m not going to tell you…

The Life in Life Group

On our one and only flat windowsill in the house I have tiny pots of seedlings. Shoots are springing up, but the chili seeds are very slow. There’s not been a sign of any life until this morning.  When I pulled up the blind this morning there was the first little shoot in one of…

Nowhere else I’d rather be

On the first hot, sunny and long weekend of the year, many in the city were outside enjoying the weather. Frederictonians are quick to dive in to the almost summer time. A steady stream of trucks towing trailers (that’s caravans in Brit-speak) and cars with canoes strapped to their roof racks head out-of-town. Nothing wrong with that….

Among Kings and Queens

There’s nothing like a three and a half hour traffic jam to dampen the mood on a road trip. To start with the four of us joked around and thanked the Lord that we had no kids with us. Flying was an option, but the drive would save money. Our plan was to get to Washington…

British. Canadian. Heavenly.

Fully British. Fully Canadian. After five years of intermittent form-filling, photo taking, document finding and fees, it’s hard to believe that the paperwork is over and we are Canadian citizens. We have dual nationality. A milestone in our adventure celebrated in a school hall where we took the oath of citizenship (we affirmed we didn’t…