In Winter’s Grip?

“Wrong will be right, when Aslan comes in sight, At the sound of his roar, sorrows will be no more, When he bares his teeth, winter meets its death, And when he shakes his mane, we shall have spring again.” The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, C S Lewis I can’t help but think…

Everything’s Not Lost

I lost the gemstone out of my engagement ring. Watching television the night before I turned my rings round and round on my finger. I knew the stone was there then. Yet as I walked into the kitchen the next day, a Saturday lunch time, after a whole morning at Kids Club, I looked down…

Glimpses of Glory

When four walls seem to be closing in on me I like to get out and get away. I used to love running for this reason, now it’s cycling. In a few minutes I’m outside the city limits, catching my breath, looking for a view across the river. ‘What do you miss most about England?’…

Rivers, Floods and Inexhaustible Water

We’re thankful to live near water. We lived by the English Channel on the south coast of the UK, here we live by the Saint John River. Right now many people in Fredericton are clearing up after some record-breaking spring floods. The river breaks its banks to some extent every year when temperatures rise and…

The Day After Valentine’s Day

Since I woke up on Valentine’s morning in a less than romantic mood, and my long-suffering husband and I didn’t even mention Valentine’s Day until after work, I thought it best to leave the lovey-dovey posts to others yesterday. Valentine’s Day is often not the most romantic day of the year – for us anyway….

An Anthem for the Heart

A few weeks ago we went to see the musical ‘The Greatest Showman’…for the second time. Since the first time round we have listened to the soundtrack almost every day. On any given night you may find our household washing and drying up while also dancing and singing along to the songs. (We’re on our…

Books, Culture, Social Media, Church

‘It’s one of Heather’s picks,’ one of our patrons at the library said to me as she asked about a book she wanted to read. People have so many different ways of choosing a book, some like recommendations, some work through the Man Booker Prize list or such like, some will only read one author,…

Palaces, Concert Halls or Out in the Fields

When I was a little girl, I went through a stage of wanting to be famous. I wanted to be a TV presenter. I wanted to be noticed. I don’t know where this ambition came from. It’s clearly not a dream that came true. I was asked to read a story in our Church family’s…

Farewell Christmas Lights

Our street is still cheered by the warm glow of Christmas lights on the houses at night. I like them lighting up the snow. In only a handful of days they will be switched off – to be taken down later when it’s a little less like a freezer outside. Still, the Christmas festivities will…

Looks Like Work or Looks Like Glory

I stood in the line at Costco. I was buying a handful of things, including a big 10kg bag of flour which was in my shopping cart as it’s a bit heavy to lift onto the belt. ‘Is this yours?’ the cashier asked the lady in front of me. As I opened my mouth to…

Filling the Well

It took a trip to my hairdresser (and friend), to bring me to my senses. I should know this stuff, I’m in my mid-***ties after all, but I slip into the same thing over and over again. The same old thing. I’ve written about it multiple times. Doing everything and feeling overwhelmed and tired. Feeling…

One puppy, Many Stones and Some Bread

We gave in and bought a puppy. This makes perfect sense and no sense at all given three children left home to get married or go to university or college. Perfect sense as one of our kids is still at home without those other three. No sense as life could be easy and we’ve made…