Lay Down, Be Free

Last Saturday afternoon I took myself to the Beaverbrook Art Gallery in town. I feel things should happen during my weekend afternoon free time – it’s rare after all, and treasured, when I lose some of them to work. I’m dying to get out and about. The winter is long. Cabin fever is real. I’m…

Tale of a Home

Everyone is tidying up. It feels like it. Maybe it is more accurate to say many people are watching ‘Tidying Up with Marie Kondo’ on Netflix. I read her book a while ago about decluttering and being tidy (The Life-changing Magic of Tidying Up). I pulled out all the clothes I own, the clothes ‘sparking…

Everything’s Not Lost

I lost the gemstone out of my engagement ring. Watching television the night before I turned my rings round and round on my finger. I knew the stone was there then. Yet as I walked into the kitchen the next day, a Saturday lunch time, after a whole morning at Kids Club, I looked down…

Glimpses of Glory

When four walls seem to be closing in on me I like to get out and get away. I used to love running for this reason, now it’s cycling. In a few minutes I’m outside the city limits, catching my breath, looking for a view across the river. ‘What do you miss most about England?’…

Coffee, Mountains, God’s Faithfulness

Shhhh! I have a morning off. Don’t tell anyone. I allowed myself to sleep in until 6.45am this morning. There are no appointments. I don’t have to get anyone anywhere. There is no work – nowhere I have to be right now. There is a list, but the list can wait. I have a large…

Accidents and Great Expectations

‘I think I’ll write a book about this.’ I said this over breakfast with a friend, talking about expectations, and more specifically unmet expectations and how we handle them. You don’t have to look very far to find unmet expectations. I hear it all the time on the radio, written in news reports, and articles…

Women/People of the Word

At the beginning of December Tim was flat out with work had no spare time so I suggested I buy a few gifts for Christmas for myself from him so he didn’t have to think about it (the money comes from the same pot after all). Christmas Eve came around and I told Tim where…

The Day After Valentine’s Day

Since I woke up on Valentine’s morning in a less than romantic mood, and my long-suffering husband and I didn’t even mention Valentine’s Day until after work, I thought it best to leave the lovey-dovey posts to others yesterday. Valentine’s Day is often not the most romantic day of the year – for us anyway….

An Anthem for the Heart

A few weeks ago we went to see the musical ‘The Greatest Showman’…for the second time. Since the first time round we have listened to the soundtrack almost every day. On any given night you may find our household washing and drying up while also dancing and singing along to the songs. (We’re on our…

Roots, Shoots and Humility

Way back in the summer last year I decided to try and grow an avocado from the pit. I love avocados, but they are expensive, so the idea that one day I may be able to harvest my own, even years down the line, seemed too good not to try. I came across a YouTube…

Books, Culture, Social Media, Church

‘It’s one of Heather’s picks,’ one of our patrons at the library said to me as she asked about a book she wanted to read. People have so many different ways of choosing a book, some like recommendations, some work through the Man Booker Prize list or such like, some will only read one author,…

Palaces, Concert Halls or Out in the Fields

When I was a little girl, I went through a stage of wanting to be famous. I wanted to be a TV presenter. I wanted to be noticed. I don’t know where this ambition came from. It’s clearly not a dream that came true. I was asked to read a story in our Church family’s…