Jaffa Cake Delight

It’s ages since I baked something new. It’s so hot and sticky in the summer and no one really feels like eating cake all that much. Jaffa cakes are one of the treats that my children miss from England – a kind of mini cake come biscuit – a fatless sponge with a disk of orange flavoured jelly on top…

I got ‘Star Baker’! (from my daughter)

As usual a week late in the posting. Canadian Thanksgiving weekend knocked bake off baking down the priority list once again. Having said that I worked on Saturday and then Tim had to work on Monday. Our long weekend together consisted of Sunday afternoon and evening. But, we are thankful for our jobs. Very thankful….

Dos and Doughnuts

Yes, I’m lagging behind again on the Bake Off side of things. I was away at the weekend at our Women’s retreat, bringing to an end a month of study and preparation. So worth it. It was a great time looking at the subject of ‘doing justice’. I loved being part of the team of speakers,…

Some time out to bake…Kouign Amann

Yes, I skipped a week of The Great British Bake Off technical challenges. A real diva of a cake, ‘Prinsesstårta’, or ‘Swedish Princess cake’, proved beyond my budget for the week – too many ground almonds needed for the marzipan.  I may re-visit it at a later date when I have an occasion to bake for…

Week 2 – Florentines

‘Forget Mary’s challenge and just do the showstopper’, one of my sisters wrote on my Facebook page the day after The Great British Bake Off this week. To be honest showing off my baking skills was not top of my to do list in the past few days and this is why my post is…

Ready! Set! Bake!

I am excited. Tonight marks the start of my favourite television series, ‘The Great British Bake Off’. If you haven’t a clue what that is, it’s a show on the BBC where bakers compete to be the Great British Amateur baking champion. This year I think there are twelve competitors. Each week they have to perform…