Thankful, Ready or Not

‘Are you ready for this?’ A few people asked me the question as they arrived at the church for my son’s wedding. I didn’t know what to say. ‘No’, wasn’t an option, nor was it true. ‘Yes’, wasn’t completely right either. I had a whole load of emotions churning about as we waited for the…

What am I doing here?

For one day I didn’t post. For one day I broke post a day in May and then found it hard to start again. It was a Sunday. Sad things happened to people around me. Good things did too. God did a lot, spoke a lot. By the end of the day though I couldn’t…

A puzzling four years?

This coming week we celebrate four years in Canada. Sometimes we talk about when we first arrived. The children like to remember how old they were, how they had their hair and how different their voices were, the freezing cold as we stepped off the plane in Halifax, collecting Roxie from cargo and watching her…