A Little May Madness

I thought it might be fun to take the dog running this morning. She’s unfit, I thought, she could do with a good run just like me. 

I don’t know why I thought that. All my previous experience tells me that Roxie does not like to run, she likes to stroll, and then stop and sniff, trying to identify every other creature that has left their scent along the way. I’ve tried running with her before and had my arm almost yanked off when she decides to follow an interesting scent. In my optimistic, it’s going to be a sunny day, I’m going to run and walk 5km state of mind, I got up, got ready, and took her with me. She did not know what she was in for.

At first she did her own thing off the lead, catching up every now and then, while I ran and walked along the trail. Once we got to where I had to put her on the lead it wasn’t long before one of my arms was stretched out behind me as Roxie lagged behind. After a few intervals, it felt more like I was dragging her along. Still I had to reach my goal so we struggled on no matter how much she pulled. On the way back we walked most of the way.

Back home Roxie stretched herself out on the floor exhausted. I’d driven her too far. Poor thing. All day she looked stiff as she got up, and I felt guilty.

I’m sure there’s a life lesson in there about not imposing our own goals on others or how ineffective it is to drag others along when they’re not willing

…or maybe it’s just to leave the dog behind when going for a run.

Now swimming, that’s a whole other thing.


2 Comments Add yours

  1. EbenezerStone says:

    I’ll reserve judgement until I read Roxie’s blog!


    1. emmskitchen says:

      You may be waiting a while for that!


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